Older Animations
Older animations; mostly student work; for archive purposes
Kindling Gameplay
Footage of Kindling a quick survival game in which the player tries to survive the cold winter night by cutting down trees and keeping their flame going. Done in 48 hours for, and first place winner of, the Uken Games Jam 2015 under the constraints "Under 5 Minute Playthrough" and "It's friggen cold out here"
Animations for Sky, the Skyblade wielder in "Sabre" a semester long game project between OCADU and UofT in which 2 players battle on a spherical arena. Done in Blender.
Animations for Ignatious, the Pipeblade wielder in "Sabre" a semester long game project between OCADU and UofT in which 2 players battle on a spherical arena. Done in Blender.
Faye Version 2
Animations for the second itteration of Faye, the main protagonist of Radio Noize.
Flee (Gamercamp Version)
"Flee" is a procedurally generated runner in which players skate down musically generated tracks. All songs used belong to their respective owners. This is an edited version that uses Faye version 2. Made using Blender, Photoshop CS6, and Unity 3D
Float (Teaser)
Pilot concept for Float - a stop motion short in which a music loving subway passenger can only listen to the songs of the other passengers.
Pilot concept for Float - a stop motion short in which a music loving subway passenger can only listen to the songs of the other passengers.
I Like toudles
Quick flash animation assignment of an interpretation of the evolution from a lizard to a turtle.